Porcelain Tiled Floor & Grout Restored in Bearsden near Glasgow

Porcelain Tiled Floor & Grout Restored in Bearsden near Glasgow

The photographs below are from a 55m2 Porcelain tiled floor that we worked on recently at a house in the town of Bearsden which is an affluent suburb of Glasgow. The floor was laid well with large format tiles which were in good condition however like most floors the grout had become stained and was now patchy and inconstant in appearance.

Porcelain tile and grout before cleaning Bearsden
The owner of the property thought we may need to replace the grout however I was confident we could resolve the problem without having to resort to that.

Porcelain tile and grout before cleaning Bearsden

Deep Cleaning Porcelain Tile and Grout

To get the tile and grout clean a strong dilution of Tile Doctor Pro-Clean was applied to the floor and grout lines and left to soak in for ten minutes. Pro-Clean is an effective tile and grout cleaner that has a strong alkaline formula so it’s safe to use on all types of tiled floors including natural stone.

The solution was then scrubbed in with a rotary machine fitted with a black scrubbing pad and the recessed grout lines were scrubbed by hand using a narrow stiff brush. Once this was completed the floor was rinsed with water and the now soiled cleaning solution extracted with wet vacuum.

This cleaned up the tiles nicely and also the grout, however although improved some of the grout was still discoloured and inconstant in appearance so I recommended we apply a grout colourant which would fully restore the appearance.

Applying Grout Colourant

I let the floor dry off completely following the clean before applying a Light Grey grout colourant, one of the ten different types of grout colourant we offer, which seals and rejuvenates the grout joints. Other colours include White, Black, and Cappuccino.

The colourant is applied using a small brush and then you wipe off any excess that gets on the tile before it gets chance to dry. It’s a laborious process however it was made easier by the large format tiles which meant there was less grout to apply the colourant too than usual.

Porcelain tile and grout after cleaning Bearsden
As you can see the grout nows looks much neater and cleaner, also the epoxy formula of the colourant adds a barrier over the surface of the grout that will protect it from future discolouration and make it much easier to clean.

Porcelain tile and grout after cleaning Bearsden

Porcelain Tiled Floor Cleaned and Grout Refreshed in East Dunbartonshire

1 thought on “Porcelain Tiled Floor & Grout Restored in Bearsden near Glasgow”

  1. Floor looks great, we get a lot of work preparing properties for sale or rental after a long lease, it makes a lot of sense to refresh tile and grout as it makes the property more appealing and adds a lot of value.

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