Bishopton Tile Cleaning

Bishopton Tile Cleaning

Welcome to my Work History archive where you will find examples of the cleaning and renovation of tiles carried out in Bishopton.

Ceramic Tiled Bathroom Refresh in Kilmacolm

Ceramic Tiled Bathroom Refresh in Kilmacolm

This bathtub with shower over was at a house in the village of Kilmacolm near Greenock. As you can see from the photograph below the grout was stained in places and a tile had become loose behind the taps due to a previous leak causing it to fall out.

Bathroom Refresh Before Kilmacolm

Refreshing a Ceramic Tiles Bathroom

The first job was to put the loose ceramic tile back on the wall, a process involving the scraping off the adhesive and grout from the wall and tile before re-fixing with fresh tile adhesive and the grouting. We placed a blanket in the bathtub during the work to protect it.

Next the tiles were given a wash down Tile Doctor Pro-Clean with particular attention paid to the grout by scrubbing it with a stiff brush. It was our intention to use a grout colourant on the grout and I wanted to ensure we had a good bond.

Whilst the tiles were drying I set about stripping off the old silicone sealant between the bath and the ceramic tiles wall, debris cleared and any remaining sealant was carefully scraped away and then replaced with new silicone.

Grout Colouring

Last step was to apply two coats of white Tile Doctor Grout Colourant, this product is basically painted on top of the existing grout with any excess wiped off the adjacent tile before it dries. It’s an epoxy based formula that becomes a long lasting barrier protecting the grout and also making it much easier to clean, it looks natural and combined with the new silicone it gave the whole bath surround a real uplift.

Bathroom in Kilmacolm After Refresh
The job was completed in a day and I think you will agree the whole bath area now looks like a new installation.

Refreshing a ceramic tiled surround in the Clyde Valley

Ceramic Tiled Bathroom Refresh in Kilmacolm Read More »

Grubby Ceramic Tiled Shower Cubicle Refreshed in Bishopton

This shower cubicle was installed in the main bathroom of a house in Bishopton where the grout had become quite grubby and the Ceramic tiles were looking quite dull. The owner was thinking about re-tiling the bathroom and thought they would give us a call first to see if we could refresh the look without the expense.

Gruby Ceramic Tiled Shower in Bishopton Before Gruby Ceramic Tiled Shower in Bishopton Before

Cleaning Ceramic Tile and Grout

We started by spraying the tiles with Tile Doctor Oxy-Pro which is a strong high-alkaline cleaner especially formulated and packaged for cleaning showers. The spray delivery is important as mixing the cleaning product with air makes it lighter and helps it cling to the tile and grout. The Oxy-Pro was left to soak into the tiles for around 15 minutes before being scrubbed into the tile and grout using a stiff grout brush. This action cleaned up the grout and tile nicely removing stains from shampoos and soaps etc.

Removing Mould from Grout

The grout was looking much improved but there was however some evidence of mould remaining which needed dealing with. To tackle this we used Tile Doctor Mould Away which is designed to remove mould off Silicone and Grout. It’s very easy to use, you simply spray the Silicone or Grout to be treated with Mould Away then leave to soak in for five minutes and then scrub with a brush and rinse with water repeating the process until the mould has disappeared.

Gruby Ceramic Tiled Shower in Bishopton After Gruby Ceramic Tiled Shower in Bishopton After

It took a fair amount of manual effort but the results were well worth it as you can see.

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